Bamboo fabric
Bamboois a very soft textile fiber, naturally elastic and always fresh on the skin. This is one of the materials we prefer to use in the production of our clothing line because we believe it is an ideal fabric for the traveler. Bamboo is breathable, anti-sweat and thermoregulatory: this makes these garments perfect to wear on long journeys on any means of transport and in any climate. Bamboo fiber also acts as a screen against UV rays, and is anti-microbial. All these incredible qualities make bamboo suitable for wearing on any occasion.
In addition to being an extremely performing fabric, bamboo fiber is also 100% biodegradable and eco-sustainable: the bamboo plant, from which the homonymous textile fiber of natural origin is obtained, grows very quickly and requires about 1/3 of the quantity of water needed by a cotton plant. Unlike the cotton plant, bamboo has no natural parasites, and is therefore grown without the use of chemicals. A natural fabric with numerous performances suitable for those who, like us, do not want to choose between fashion and respect for the environment.
Polypropylene fabric is manufactured using waste products from oil production. Despite being a kind of plastic, it is very easy to recycle All the propylene used in our clothing is free from harmful substances.
We chose this fiber for the production of some of our items because it is high-performing and much better than normal polyester. Polypropylene fiber is particularly used in the production of sports garments, since it does not absorb sweat. Because it has a lower thermal conductivity than most synthetic fibres, it is suitable for winter wear. Moreover, this fabric is water-repellent, stain-resistant, hypoallergenic, and does not absorb odors. All these characteristics make it the perfect fabric even for the most fervent of travelers.

Laminated silk
For the creation of this fabric, we used a very light silk, found to be the most suitable after numerous researches and after having developed several tests before being able to make it waterproof and breathable with a resin process that did not ruin the base fabric: in this way we obtained a fully waterproof fine fabric, which however maintains the softness of silk.
Among the characteristics of this fabric are its lightnessand its impermeability to water and its being windproofwhile remaining a breathable fabric, which makes it suitable for protecting the traveler from the elements in any season.
Organic cotton
Organic cotton is a natural fiber, which is cultivated and prepared without using harmful chemical substances. The weeds, which are present in the plantations, are removed by hand, and parasites are removed through natural means.
Organic cotton plantations also require less water than that of normal cotton: according to the Textile Exchange 2017 report, one ton of organic cotton needs 182 liters of water, while the same amount of normal cotton requires 2.120 liters.
Like many natural fibers, organic cotton is very soft on the skin. Moreover, it is hypoallergenic, and therefore ideal for people who suffer from allergies. Easy to wash and comfortable to wear, organic cotton is a fabric suitable for every occasion.